- 849.00
mobile number suggestion by numerology - acharya arya

Mobile Number Suggestion by Numerology


Mobile Number Suggestion by Numerology

- 1,000.00
baby name numerology - acharya arya

Name Check & Suggestion by Numerology


Baby names based on numerology

- 1,000.00
Prashna Kundli by Acharya Arya - Astrologer N Vastu consultant - astrology of my life - astro arjunaPrashna Kundli astro arjuna

Prashna Kundli by Acharya Arya



Your free Prashna Kundli will give you the kundali for the prashna. If you would like a detailed analysis for your question, you can ask the question using our Premium Prashna Report for One Question..

- 599.00

Vehicle Number & Colour Numerology


Vehicle Number & Colour Numerology Through Your Name & Date of Birth..

- 200.00

Nazar Raksha Black Thread Band


Nazar Raksha Black Thread Band Made of  Wear black Nazar Suraksha Thread Band most useful to wear in body or to ties on hand good black thread to protect bed eye and to live healthy useful in puja it is also say nazar battu.


Online Astrologer – Acharya Dr MSD Arya


Online Kundli Analysis with Nakshatra for Career, Finance, Health, Important Dosh, Finance and Health Problem Years with Remedies ..

Online Astrology Consultation if you are eager to know an answer in a precise way. You can ask a question which should be specific and clear.

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- 5,900.00

Thumb Impression Astrology with Birth Chart (Life Prediction)


Each and every major aspect of your life like career, health, family, love etc. Our astrologer will analyze and tell you what is about to come and how to make the most of it, if it is good and how to negate the bad effects if the future is looking bleak.

with Thumb impression & Both Hand Photograph’s


Mangal Shanti – Manglik Dosh Nivaran – Ujjain


Different planets sway our lives differently when they are in a very somewhat position throughout our birth. In this case, when the Mars or Mangal planet is in the 1st, second, fourth, seventh, eighth, or the twelfth house in an individual’s spiritual chart, Mangal Dosh is known to take place. As such a time the harmful effects of the world are mentioned to be free. This could be within the type of obstructs in skilled also as personal life. At such a time it is advisable to try and do a Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja. If you are thinking on the lines of a way to take away a Manglik Dosh, then this Puja is advisable.


Kaal Sarp Dosh Shanti Puja Ujjain


Kal means that death and Sarpa means snake. The person born under Kal Sarpa Yog passes through sufferings and agonies throughout the life. Astrologically, when the planets alternative than the outer planets are beneath the nodal influence of Rahu and Ketu, this conjunction is treated as “Sarpa Dosha” or “Kaal Sarpa Dosha”. In other words Sarpa Dosha is mentioned to be happened once all the planets are hemmed on one facet between Rahu and Ketu.

- 5,050.00

Energized Bangkok Mines Yellow Sapphire – 16.75 Ratti


Energized Bangkok Mines Yellow Sapphire – 16.75 Ratti

World famous Energized Bangkok Mines Yellow Sapphire is used to give best results for your astrological needs.

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- 2,000.00
Career Report astrology of my life

Career Report : One Year


Your career astrology report will cover each and every major aspect of your career. Our astrologer will analyze and tell you what is about to come and how to make the most of it, if it is good and how to negate the bad effects if the future of your career is looking bleak.

- 5,900.00
married life report acharya arya

Married Life Report


When will you get married, how will be your married life, what will your future spouse be like ?


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